Bernard’s – Irsko, irské tance a něco navíc

Z časopisu CÉIM 21. 12. 2020


V roce 1970 se uskutečnil první světový šampionát v irském tanci. Bylo to 1.-3. května a místem konání byl Dublin. Ve 3. čísle časopisu Céim lze najít článek od Maitiu O Maoileidigh A.D.C.R.G, Chairman of Oireachtas fo-choiste, který je takovým malým ohlédnutím za uplynulou akcí první svého druhu a zároveň přípravou na její pokračování v roce 1971. První „svěťák“ byl zřejmě podstatně skromnější akcí, než jakou jsou tyto významné události pro irský tanec v dnešní době. Nicméně pro účastníky i pořadatele to byl jistě nezapomenutelný zážitek. Tuto vzpomínku přidáváme v době, kdy od této akce uplynulo padesát let. 
Úvodní obrázek je ilustrace převzatá ze stejného čísla časopisu.

From Australia . . . . . .  from New York . . . . . . . from Canada . . . . . . England . . . . .. Scotland and all parts of Ireland the dancers who qualified came to compete in the holding of the first World Championships on May 1st, 2nd and 3rd 1970. The venue was magnificent theatre at Colaiste Mhuire, Parnell Square, Dublin. 

This was a week-end I will never forget and will always look back on it as the greatest event ever in Irish dancing. 

Judging by the success of this event and the great praise it received from all present, the World Championships are here to stay.

Looking back on the first holding of the world Championship the hard work, ay the very hard work that the organising committee put in was well worth the effort. The line up of dancers , after each championship representing so many parts of the world was surely a spectacle never before seen in Irish dancing.

Already our now not so new secretary has quite a lot of the arrangements done for this feast of Irish dancing in 1971. The qualifying rounds are already over in some places such as Connaght, Australia and other parts. The hall, Colaiste Mhuire again is booked for April 23rd, 24th and 25th and the medals are ordered. We have canvassed for some support from the trades also and are hopeful but . . . . . It is now up to us the teachers.

What do these championships mean to the Irish dancing Commission teachers? Do they mean what they should? That is supreme award in Irish dancing for any one year.

This year we had a trophy for first place in all 15 championships but I felt a little sorry for the second and third place winners who came on to the stage and did not receive a trophy. I did mention that we would aim at having at least three trophies for all championships but that will be difficult as we did fairly exhaust our Dublin sources of sponsorships. Some teachers did mention that if they had known of our plight for trophies they would have come up with something from their local (? ? ) I can tell them now that if they come up with something in April 1971 it will be more than welcome.

It is up to us teachers to make OUR World Championships something even better in 1971.

See you at the World Championships in April.

Maitiu O Maoileidigh A. D. C. R. G.
Chairman of Oireachtas fo-choiste 

Václav Bernard

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